The 3 P’s of Happiness

It is said that when we make plans, God laughs.

I believe that plans are the foundation upon which dreams are manifested, however, just because you have a plan does not ensure life will align as we design it. There are three P’s in the happiness equation, and as we learned during the Pandemic, plans were no longer bankable currency when it came to personal joy. In my experience, the three P’s of happiness are Purpose, Passion, and the ability to Pivot.

In 2019, I was a startup CEO, and had raised angel investment, launched an award-winning retail product and smartphone application and like many women hitting their stride at fifty, had clarity of purpose. I knew my goal was to impact a billion lives by 2025 and democratize safety in support of the UN Sustainable Development Goals. I was at a place in my life and career that was about execution, and I was hell-bent on my Purpose. Knowing what you want to achieve gives you the clarity to get up every day and get things done. Time truly is our most precious resource. 


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